Today, I'd like to give you some helpful tips to help you incorporate deep breathing exercises more easily and smoothly into your daily routine. As I mentioned in
my previous post, deep breathing is incredibly beneficial in many ways, and the best part is that it's free! Oh, and did I mention there are no side effects? There's absolutely no reason not to do it, yet most people don't do it enough. So, today, I'd like to share some helpful tips to make it easier for you.
Tip #1: Gently push your abdomen: Many people struggle with using their abdomens when practicing deep breathing initially. Instead, they tend to rely on chest breathing, which can feel uncomfortable and less rewarding even when done slowly. To overcome this, it's important to engage your abdomen. If you find it challenging, imagine there's a balloon inside your abdomen, place your hand on it, and gently push it in as you breathe out. Then, as you breathe in, visualize the balloon expanding and pushing your hand away. This technique allows you to utilize your diaphragm more effectively.
Tip #2: Close the back of your throat to slow down your breath: To slow down your breathing effectively, try exhaling as if you were fogging a mirror, but through your nose. By exhaling slowly and utilizing your abdomen (as in Tip #1), you can significantly slow down the pace of your breath. If this technique proves difficult, you can purse your lips as if you were whistling and exhale slowly, then inhale through your nose slowly.
Tip #3: Keep your tongue touching your upper palate: Breathing through the nose can be challenging for some individuals. It may feel impossible to remember to breathe through your nose consistently, as breathing is often an automatic process. To make it easier, just pay attention to the position of your tongue and keep it touching your upper palate. This simple action makes it more natural and automatic for you to breathe through your nose. Breathing through the nose has many benefits, which is what “Mewing” is all about, so why not give it a try? Once your muscles remember the correct tongue placement, it becomes much easier to maintain, resulting in improved breathing.
Tip #4: Focus on squeezing out your breath to exhale: When you experience sudden upsets, anger, shock, nervousness, or similar emotions, taking a deep breath can be very helpful. However, it's not easy to implement when you're highly upset. In such situations, try focusing on exhaling slowly by squeezing out your breath forcefully but slowly, using the technique described in Tip #2. By squeezing it out this way, it becomes an active behavior that's much easier to perform than trying to calm yourself down directly. You can even do it while feeling angry or enraged. When you exhale slowly this way, your body automatically adjusts by inhaling more slowly as well, leading to the amazing benefits of deep breathing.
In summary, I strongly recommend you incorporate any of the above tips or any other techniques you come across to enhance your deep breathing practice in your daily life. You'll experience a greater sense of peace, improved relationships, and a more relaxed life.