Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Sand Tray Therapy!

I’m excited to announce that my office now has a Sand Tray Therapy set!

Sand Tray is a powerful tool with which people of any age can express themselves outwardly and physically. It may appear to be cheesy and childish for you at first, but once you experience it, you will see how powerful it can be! I use it to help my clients express their thoughts, feelings and experiences to an extent they could never imagine. The visual image as a symbol is quite vivid and it does affect our neurons. You will be surprised what we can do with this small box with the collection of miniatures. I hope you also find it very inspirational!

This small shelf has a lot of miniatures which can be used as symbols of many of our experiences.

These figurines can represent any human beings, animals, or objects in our lives, and I will buy more!

There are more mythical figurines as well.

And there are sea creatures!

Of course, we cannot forget about animals, including dinosaurs.

We love plants and animals, don’t we?

But yeah, fights are part of our experience too, unfortunately...

Apart from these, we have insects and vehicles.

We can also take a trip to all over the world.

And romance, spirituality, and death are not avoidable…

The sand tray can help you express your world inside you. I hope you will find it interesting and valuable!

1 comment:

  1. This sand therapy of yours is totally amazing. Things that we use on a daily basis offer us more healthy and affordable ways to maintain our health. Thanks for sharing this
