Sunday, August 2, 2015

Read Me First

Hello. Welcome to my Blog, “Enjoy a Simpler & Happier Life by Dr. Riichiro Miwa.”

I am a Psychologist and I provide not only psychotherapy, but also life-coaching, lectures, and clinical supervision. When I am working with my students and supervisees, they often love what I say and want me to talk more about my “twisted” thoughts about a variety of things. It appears that my personality, experience, and multi-cultural background bring to me a unique perspective on things, and they appreciate it. Their response inspired me as well, so I finally decided to document what I have in my mind here.

In this blog I am sharing my personal beliefs about how to simplify your life to become happier. You won’t find me writing about a number of research findings or theories from books – I’ll leave that to others. Here, what you’ll find are just my thoughts based on my own observations and experiences as an individual who has always been curious about formulas for a quality life.

I will try to explain my points as easy as possible: I will use some examples utilizing real-life experiences to illustrate my point. I will also express myself in a more casual and “rough” manner, instead of in professional way, but that’s intentional. I would like to deliver my message in as simple and understandable way as possible.

That being said, please understand that this blog isn’t intended to be and cannot be a substitute for psychological treatment. Please seek the advice of a mental health professional if necessary. Likewise, I am unable to provide any answers to any of your questions or give advice about your particular diagnoses and/or specific situations. I am not working as a clinician here, so please keep that in mind. Of course, if/when you have any general questions or thoughts to share that may inspire me, please feel free to leave your comments. If that stimulates my thought process, I would really appreciate it and I may write about the topic in future. I just do not guarantee to respond to all of the comments, and I reserve the right to delete any for whatever reason. Last, I am not writing this blog to prove how absolutely correct my beliefs are. Some of you may find it helpful, and others may not. That’s totally fine. Just take whatever is useful to you from it, and disregard the rest.

My hope is you will find it beneficial and make yourselves happier. Hope you enjoy it!

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